With approval from the Archdiocese of Vilnius, Lithuania, we produce the only officially authorized replicas of the Original Image of Divine Mercy in the world! Our custom canvas reproductions are perfect for schools, churches, retreat centers, or personal home devotion. Please note: these custom canvas images take up to 2 weeks for production & delivery. No one does the type of custom work that we do, from special velvet backing to state of the art printing and framing. If you are not convinced, please give us a call and tel us about your concerns - we don’t want you to miss this opportunity to have a replica of the Original Image of Divine Mercy that looks exactly the way it did when St. Faustina saw it. All our work is done in house with love and prayers for all of you who are reading this! Each print is framed to order so each piece is a customized according to your preferences. If you do not find what you are looking for on this site, please send us a message and we will be happy to make it happen. International orders, please contact us directly. Each frame comes with its own plate with the inscription "JESUS I TRUST IN YOU." Just lLet us know in the NOTES section of your order at check out if you would like the inscription in a language other than English at no additional cost. You can read some reviews of our work here: